SMS continues to invest in business and extend its capabilities

  • SMS Renewables division launched
  • Gold Constructionline certification

Southern Maintenance Solutions (UK) Ltd has launched SMS Renewables. The new division will focus on delivering affordable, renewable energy solutions that reduce carbon emissions & fuel costs in both commercial & domestic buildings. By utilising the latest technology, a properly designed & installed Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) system can reduce carbon emissions & fuel costs by up to 40 percent & may also qualify for substantial Government grants.

Kevin Tarbox, managing director, SMS, said; ” With the UK Government committed to the country having net zero carbon emissions by 2050 this is the ideal time for us to develop this new area of the business. Reducing their carbon footprint is now a priority for many organisations.” He continued; As with most heating systems, design is of paramount importance & this is especially true of air source heat pumps, which operate at lower flow temperatures than traditional boilers.” SMS will conduct detailed surveys to ascertain the suitability of any specific system to each individual project & advise on any property upgrades that may be required prior to installation to ensure the chosen system’s optimum efficiency.

The new Renewables division will be offering lighting surveys. Changing to new low energy, LED lighting solutions can deliver savings of up to 65 percent on both fuel & carbon emissions. They will also provide support & guidance around the installation of ‘smart’ technology radiators & other energy saving solutions.

As well as investing in new, greener solutions, the company has also secured Gold accreditation on the nationally recognised Constructionline scheme. This award requires companies to have the highest standards across processes, systems & health & safety procedures. “We have worked hard to achieve this award & are delighted that it will now enable us to tender for a wider range of larger, public sector contracts;” commented Tarbox.

The company’s continued investment is bringing tangible rewards as June saw the company record its best monthly figures. At the same time, apprentice Jordan House completed his studies & is now a fully qualified commercial gas fitter. The company also has two other apprentices who are part way through their studies with Southampton College on the C&G NVQ2 Diploma in heating & ventilation, industrial & commercial installation.



Southern Maintenance Solutions UK Ltd was founded 30 years ago & since then has established itself as one of the leading providers of commercial heating, cooling & air handling installation & maintenance services in South East England. It has had success in both the private & state education sectors, but also has long standing maintenance agreements with a range of commercial property managers for premises including places of worship, modern gym facilities & office/ manufacturing buildings.

In addition to its core activities, engineers at the company are also qualified to handle the installation & maintenance of a range of complimentary systems including electrical systems, water treatment, commercial kitchens & commercial pipework installation. The company recognises the need to invest in its staff & currently has two apprentices working towards industry recognised qualifications.


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Southern Maintenance Solutions UK Ltd
Units 57 Youngs Industrial Estate
Paices Hill

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