Renewable Energy

This division focuses on delivering affordable, renewable energy solutions that reduce carbon emissions & fuel costs.

SMS undertakes detailed surveys to ascertain the suitability of any specific system to each individual project & will advise on any property upgrades that may be required prior to installation to ensure the chosen system’s optimum efficiency.

 By utilising the latest technology, a properly designed & installed Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) system can reduce carbon emissions & fuel costs by up to 40 percent.

The renewables team also offers lighting surveys; changing to new low energy, LED lighting solutions can deliver savings of up to 65 percent on both fuel & carbon emissions & provide valuable data for improved maintenance scheduling. 

Support & guidance around the installation of ‘smart’ technology radiators & other energy saving solutions is also available on request.

Whatever your renewable energy requirements, just ask. We provide the cost-effective solution for your business.


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Southern Maintenance Solutions UK Ltd
Units 57 Youngs Industrial Estate
Paices Hill

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