ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

Certification Compliance of Suppliers Products, Services and Supporting Records

Processes, products & services to be provided shall be compliant with the requirements defined above.

The approval, verification, validation of products, services etc., shall be proportionate to the product / service provided & may include any of the following, as applicable: Visual check, functional verification, inspection & test, checking & retention of certificates, copies of competency records, including the qualifications of Engineers & other personnel, other methods as appropriate to the product or service supplied. Equipment used for the foregoing shall be dependent on the product / service being provided.

Southern Maintenance Solutions UK LTD expects any suppliers of products, materials services etc., to be competent & qualified in the activity that they are engaged for & , where deemed appropriate to the product & /or service provided shall require & request evidence of the competence & qualifications of the supplier’s operatives (Engineers etc.), providing the product & /or service. This shall be required prior to commencement of work.

The interaction with the supplier & their representatives shall be via email, telephone & other means as specifically agreed in relation to the product / service being provided.

Control & monitoring of the product / service provided shall, as far as is practicable, dependent on the specialisations required, be via inspection of the product / service by Southern Maintenance Solutions personnel who have the required competences to perform the verifications or, where necessary will be subcontracted to a third party.

Where Southern Maintenance Solutions, or our customer, requires to perform verification & or validation of the product, service or stages thereof at the supplier’s premises this shall be by prior arrangement with the supplier.

The release of the product / service shall be via signoff by an appropriately competent member of Southern Maintenance Solutions staff.

It is expected that all external providers comply with Modern Slavery Act 2015 & Human Rights Act 1998 & notify Southern Maintenance Solutions UK LTD if they are in breach of this at any time.

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Southern Maintenance Solutions UK Ltd
Units 57 Youngs Industrial Estate
Paices Hill

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