Our target is zero

The zero target for carbon emissions is no longer just an idea discussed by a few academics or energy experts. It is a widely-heard phrase that is already starting to impact on how we manage both our personal & business lives. In the construction & building management sector the challenge is to deliver low level or carbon neutral buildings. In fact, by December 2020 all new buildings must be nearly zero energy (nZEB), a major milestone on the way to net zero carbon (NZC) buildings.

These goals start with the design & construction, a ‘fabric first’ approach, but increasingly building developers, owners & operators are starting to think about the whole lifecycle of the building & how this impacts on their carbon reduction goals. Efficient building services where equipment is maintained to ensure optimum efficiency, & there is a comprehensive planned preventative maintenance programme can go some way to ensuring optimum energy efficiency. 

Where necessary upgrading gas boilers to a more efficient & cleaner electric or alternative heat source, whilst obviously incurring some capital expenditure will ultimately deliver real savings both in terms of consumption & financial outgoings. They may also deliver a far more manageable working environment, providing the added benefit of improved wellbeing for occupants & with that increased productivity.

Shareholders, staff & customers now expect organisations to address climate issues with as much commitment as their financial performance or health & safety criteria. It is no good just claiming to be green, you need to prove it. 

The ‘decarbonisation of heat’ is a new phrase entering the world of heating & maintenance & tax changes for gas boilers, as announced in the Budget are a further incentive for businesses to look for more efficient alternatives, so called greener heating technologies. These include biomass heating, air & ground source heat pumps & solar photovoltaic solutions. When choosing a new solution, it is important to understand not only the installation & running costs but also your current & possible future requirements. SMS has a skilled & experience team of engineers who can offer advice & guidance around the various options available & how best to evaluate the alternatives, all of which will help you work to towards that big, fat zero.


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